Can Peking ducks survive on their own???

Chest felt fluffy…can’t feel the keel bone…I’ve seen sick or malnourished mandarin before…did not seem like that. Though he did see his friend / partner killed a few days ago. He must have been human raised…he scared if I stand up, but will sit three feet away from me and my call duck and sleep
Interestingly - there are cayugas in a public lake near my house and they have been there for years (pre-covid at least)…I’ve seen them fly medium distances …lots of wild mallard and geese too…but this Peking seems completely different, smaller wings, bigger body, helpless in the wild. Yes, I am caring for him .
Actually I did some thinking about the cayugas…the ducks in this lake get a little food from people…not much…they always stay together (the cayugas)…they mated with some American black duck or Swedish- I’m not sure…which then made a nest in my neighbors backyard and the offspring that survived to adulthood look like full cayugas…and live in the same area….either way they seem much more “wild hardy” than this Peking (who can’t fly at all, is very gentle ). Though they were probably dumped or were free ranging pets that decided not to come home one night - which I have seen in proximity to this lake before
I'd get him on some sort of supplement. Preferably something with Niacin in it. Maybe shred the greens finely and place them in water, too, to entice him to eat them. Most important is having him on a balanced diet right now.

Keep us updated on his progress.
Actually he is quite light…much lighter weight than a standard female mallard I have. He should weigh closer to a goose, right??


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