Can someone ID my chicks?


7 Years
Aug 31, 2017
Upstate SC
Hi everyone! I’m a new chicken parent, we’re in a position to have chickens so I allowed my significant other to pick out four chicks from Rural King. That being said, none of them had any information on what they were and he chose four different kinds. Please let me know if better pictures are in order, thank you in advance!

Here is the first larger grey chick.


Second chick.



Third grey chick, both greys are larger than the other two.



Fourth and final chick.


And then one of them all together.
I suspect you received a rare breeds assortment of some sort. Your dark chick is a Chocolate Orpington... Hoover is notorious for sending some questionable chicks but assuming they sent rare breeds by their definition, the buff one might be a Buff Chantecler. Can you get a comb picture? Can you also get pictures of the foot bottoms of the blue ones?
I still have yet to take photos, but I did go back to the store and read the SKU descriptions to get an idea. I’m not sure how accurate they are but they said Cornish broiler, black sex link, Plymouth barred, sapphire gems and Easter eggers. I promise I will get more photos though!
Hi everyone! I’m a new chicken parent, we’re in a position to have chickens so I allowed my significant other to pick out four chicks from Rural King. That being said, none of them had any information on what they were and he chose four different kinds. Please let me know if better pictures are in order, thank you in advance!

And then one of them all together.
View attachment 4040334
The almost black ones. Seem like a Blue Andalusian, and the yellow one seems like Buff Orpington. For the other one, she/he might be a cross. I'm not sure what cross, maybe a EE cross?

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