Can Someone Please Explain This Diaper Thing?


Redneck Silkie
10 Years
Aug 17, 2009
I keep hearing about putting diapers on chickens, can someone please give me the poop ( pun intended ) on it?
Diapers to catch poop.

They are used for sick birds that must be in the house, or if you want to take your chicken somewhere, or if you just want to have it inside sitting next to you without worrying about its bodily functions...
Oookayyy, So do you make them yourself or buy them or what? I have a few really tame birds that I would love to have running around the house with my 3 dogs, but I have enough dog hair to contend with, I don't need chicken poop on my floors and furniture.
i bought one from MPC for my bantams. I bought the smallest size, but it's still too big. And they really fight having it on...
my 6yo son and i doubled over with laughter, while my husband just looked on, kind of confused by it all. is the original source of chicken diapers, and in my opinion has the best ones at the most reasonable price. Each diaper is custom made to fit the measurements of individual bird. That said, there is some leeway in fit, and I have never used a diaper exclusively for a particular chicken.
I too have bought diapers from They are much cheaper and easier to use than what I have found at hatcheries.
I checked out that chickendiapers website, and I'm still confused on how it attaches to the chicken. They talk about shoulder straps, and also about safety pins (!!) Anyone who's tried them, are they elastic straps? Tie-ons? How are safety pins involved? Not that I WANT a house chicken, but I'd rather know about these things before I have a chicken I need to separate and don't know what to do with it. Well, and just morbid curiosity.

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