Can someone please recommend me an antibiotic to buy. I think i have coryza in my flock of 5 week old chicks.

13 are from Murray McMurray hatchery. 9 are from a local farmers market, but I isolated those for like 3 weeks to check for signs of any cold or mareks or cocci. They had cocci and I treated it, and they seemed to be doing better after 2 weeks so I put a few in with my 13.
Are the farmers market chick(s) the ones who are sick?

True quarantine is difficult:
BYC Medical Quarantine Article
Are the farmers market chick(s) the ones who are sick?

True quarantine is difficult:
BYC Medical Quarantine Article
Nope! They are doing quite well. I think this chick may just have a parasite in its eye or something. It's scratching at it, and doesn't seem lethargic like an illness would make it be. However, it has bubbly eyes. It's also been a long time since I got the farmers market chicks, and respiratory illnesses travel fast. I don't think they had any thing wrong with them.
It is itching its eye a lot. Maybe something is in there? I put the antibiotic on its eye

13 are from Murray McMurray hatchery. 9 are from a local farmers market, but I isolated those for like 3 weeks to check for signs of any cold or mareks or cocci.

Nope! They are doing quite well. I think this chick may just have a parasite in its eye or something. It's scratching at it, and doesn't seem lethargic like an illness would make it be. However, it has bubbly eyes. It's also been a long time since I got the farmers market chicks, and respiratory illnesses travel fast.
How long have you had the market chicks and how long have they been with the MM chicks?

The only way to know if something is in the eye, is to flush it out with saline, look into the eye, see if there's anything in it. Apply your ointment.
How long have you had the market chicks and how long have they been with the MM chicks?

The only way to know if something is in the eye, is to flush it out with saline, look into the eye, see if there's anything in it. Apply your ointment.
Gosh the market chicks have been with the regular chicks for about a week or so, maybe even more. I've applied the ointment. The chick seems better, it's opening its eye some. I'll keep monitoring it of course.
Gosh the market chicks have been with the regular chicks for about a week or so, maybe even more. I've applied the ointment. The chick seems better, it's opening its eye some. I'll keep monitoring it of course.
That's about the right timeline for certain respiratory illnesses to present.
MG which can have the symptom of bubbly eyes shows up in about 6-10 days after exposure.

IB is a short period of time, at around 1-3 days.

I'd just continue to flush the eye, remove debris/pus and apply the ointment. Do check in the beak for any lesions or canker.
That's about the right timeline for certain respiratory illnesses to present.
MG which can have the symptom of bubbly eyes shows up in about 6-10 days after exposure.

IB is a short period of time, at around 1-3 days.

I'd just continue to flush the eye, remove debris/pus and apply the ointment. Do check in the beak for any lesions or canker.
Did check! No lesions. I'm going to continue to do as you said, and if more chicks get this I'm going to assume it's MG and take to the vet. The weird thing is the market birds aren't sick, so idk. I appreciate the help too, as always your input is always helpful.
Did check! No lesions. I'm going to continue to do as you said, and if more chicks get this I'm going to assume it's MG and take to the vet. The weird thing is the market birds aren't sick, so idk. I appreciate the help too, as always your input is always helpful.
IF it's MG or respiratory illness and the market birds are not "sick" (Asymptomatic), they likely would be your source/carriers.

Testing is really the only way to know what they may have; you can use a lab like Zoologix to get testing. A vet might be able to send in a swab, you'd have to ask. Hopefully the one you have is knowledgeable about poultry.
IF it's MG or respiratory illness and the market birds are not "sick" (Asymptomatic), they likely would be your source/carriers.

Testing is really the only way to know what they may have; you can use a lab like Zoologix to get testing. A vet might be able to send in a swab, you'd have to ask. Hopefully the one you have is knowledgeable about poultry.
I don't even have a vet yet for these guys! Going to look for one now. If it spreads I will for sure be sending a swab or getting a lab. Thanks again!
Tylosin (the generic version of Tylan) can be effective for treatment of MG, one of the common respiratory diseases that can spread by carriers, wild birds, and through hatching eggs. It can show up within days of exposure. You can get it at Jedds online within a week. Here is a link:
I only will buy chicks from a hatchery or feed store because there is always a risk of bringing in a common respiratory disease when buying chicks from private owners or breeders.
Tylosin (the generic version of Tylan) can be effective for treatment of MG, one of the common respiratory diseases that can spread by carriers, wild birds, and through hatching eggs. It can show up within days of exposure. You can get it at Jedds online within a week. Here is a link:
I only will buy chicks from a hatchery or feed store because there is always a risk of bringing in a common respiratory disease when buying chicks from private owners or breeders.
If I notice more issues I will be purchasing this. Thank you for the link I've been looking everywhere

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