Can someone tell me what this is

Buddys mom

May 28, 2023
My chickens have been losing tail feathers under their vent for a couple of weeks now and I've observed them pecking feathers off each other. I went online and here and I read tgat it might by low protien so I upped the protein but they still look pretty messy. They look like the tips of the feathers have been nipped off and a couple have hirless bottoms under their vents. I haven't seen any lice but I've never been any good at spotting them in the past. This is my first time with chickens. So today I was looking again to see if any feathers are growing and the butts are still bare on 3 out of the 5. But this time I checked the base of the tail of one of them and found a growth or something like that on her skin. I'm attaching pictures of the growth and her butt under her vent. I'm sure it's probably lice or mites but can someone help me out in identifying what's going on?


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