So my chickens sleep in an old room/shed place and they’ve hid some eggs a long time ago that I didn’t see that broke and went bad, I’m guessing it broke today because the second I smelt it I knew something was wrong because it smelled so bad!! The thing is I couldn’t breath properly while cleaning it and it smelled so bad it made me feel sick but I’m having some heart+lung pain so i guessed that’s why (cause I’m cleaning and stuff) so I decided to let them sleep in there and finish tomorrow because I couldn’t get rid of the smell and I was exhausted but I don’t know I’m worried they would also struggle to breathe in there!! Is that a thing could they get sick from the smell?? What should I do? I also feel terrible because I had to throw the whole nest away now they don’t want to use the new one
(also I can’t open the windows because they’re locked)