Can Turkey hens spit?


Apr 17, 2024
I have 5 little poults, about 2-3 weeks old, I am raising, I’m planning on selling 2 of them soon. Both strut, one more than the other, but I do not believe this to be a gender implication because the other 2 times I’ve raised turkeys, the hens strutted just like the Toms.
Just today I was observing them, one was strutting at its siblings, and then it did the spit thing the adult Tom’s do whilst displaying. I had the poults outside briefly a few hours ago, and their father was displaying and spitting to them from the run. I was wondering if this means it’s a Tom or if it could just be a hen who learned this from its father, I couldn’t find anything online about hens spitting, and mine never have.
Haha they are so silly when they’re full of themselves at two inches tall. I have not seen poults that age “spit”, but I would tend to believe that both sexes at early ages will exhibit those behaviors just like strutting. I’m not sure that there’s any biological reason a hen couldn’t spit or even vocalize like a tom. Maybe they saw your other turkeys do it and they just copied.
Oh no, I just realized maybe I wasn’t very clear(?) about the spitting and strutting, by displaying I mean strutting, but spitting is not a typo, I mean spit, which is a noise Tom turkeys make whilst displaying/strutting, I realize I should’ve said strutting not displaying, but as an individual who has a hard time telling apart words such as “spitting” and “strutting” right next to eachother I decided to use displaying instead.

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