One is 6 weeks old and the other is 7 weeks old. "A" hasn't crowed yet, but the comb and wattles look very pink for the age... "B" has crowed twice in 7 weeks, but the comb is still pale in comparison with the brother (pictured in 1st comment below) who has a dark red, larger comb. I was hoping...
Hi Chicken Community!
First time hatching and raising chickens from scratch. It's been fun!!!
Our chicks are all 9 weeks already
So far we have 2 brahma pullets and 2 brahma roosters.
we need help identifying if one is roo or pullet?
It is a easter brahma hybrid (as pictured).
Thank you...
Hatched my first set of eggs and still trying to learn how to feather sex. All these birds were photographed at 3 weeks. What sex do you think each bird is?
OK, so 8 weeks old yesterday. Up until this point it's been clear that 2 were Roosters. 1 and 2. But another week has gone by, what do we think for the remaining 5?
So I know feather sexing isn't reliable all breeds.
I have four hybrids and one has hardly any wings feathers and one has big big wing feathers.
Is there anyway for me to tell which is male or female or do I need to wait?
Why is one growing faster than the other three.
This chick was hatched by one of my hens 5 1/2 weeks ago. I feel like the comb on Ruby/Reuben is larger and pinker than my older RIR pullet was at 5 1/2 weeks. But there are no wattles. Its posture is usually very low to the ground, very skittish and shy. I had to make an alarm call to get the...
I've got a cute little Black Sumatra chick named Lucky. I cannot figure out when/how a Black Sumatra pullet/cockerel determination is made. Do I have to wait until it lays an egg, or crows? When do black sumatras even begin crowing? I know they get giant tails eventually but that takes a...
Hey Everyone! I’ve got four wonderful Lavender Orpingtons, they’re 12 weeks old, and they’re all supposed to be Pullets. I just want to make sure that they are… Number 1 seems a lil suspicious to me but I’m completely novice in all of this so I could be wrong.
They all have very docile...
Here is my little chick, 4 weeks old. It's a weird mix breed.
I've never had a v comb chick before and I don't know how to gauge the gender at 4 weeks.
Alot of my single comb chicks make it obvious early on so I know what I'm looking for but I'm not sure how tall v combs grow, how fast they...
I have 5 little poults, about 2-3 weeks old, I am raising, I’m planning on selling 2 of them soon. Both strut, one more than the other, but I do not believe this to be a gender implication because the other 2 times I’ve raised turkeys, the hens strutted just like the Toms.
Just today I was...
Everyone raising chicks and wondering about sexing their young chicks has heard about Vent Sexing. Whilst it's probably the most effective and most accurate way of sexing young chicks, it's also known for being notoriously hard to do for the average backyard chicken keeper and should be left to...
Here we go again!
Got 7 chicks for you guys to throw your guesses at. This is not my first rodeo with raising chicks and if you followed my original run, I was really unlucky with the Roosters (6 R/9 H). It's time again to have a guess - I'm well aware that attempting to sex them this early is...
I wanted to know everyone’s opinion on this little cutie. He or she is roughly 4 months old and the comb is still small. I haven’t noted much waddle growth. However, I have noticed a couple little pen looking feathers coming out of its head, which has me worried that this may be a rooster. What...
I have studied the internet far and wide for tips, tricks and methods of sexing chicks under 4 weeks old... Is it really impossible to tell?
I have 7 chicks, all under 2 weeks old, but I'm convinced 2 of them are boys. One has a comb coming in already and does little charges at it's hatch...
So my silkie is now 12 weeks and i’m still unsure what it is. it has no wattles yet and it does have a tiny comb. compared to about three weeks ago, the comb has grown a little since then. does anyone have any ideas what it might be? (excuse he/she’s dirty face)
Hi all,
I have a 1 week old Barn yard mix chick bought as a hatching egg under my broody hen. All these chicks I got except 1 are random mixes, but I was wondering if the pattern method can still work even in cross breeds?
It has a cream band all the way down it's back and the darker beige...
Hey all! A few weeks ago I posted some pictures of my chickens. I was trying to figure out their breeds and sex. Their age is roughly in the 9 to 10 week range. I think we have the breeds established, but I am not sure about male/female. Here are some pictures, what breed I think they are, and I...
I need help, please! Trying to sex two young silkies at about 4 months old.
I have a video of when the isabel-colored one (white/yellow) is making a fast,
repeating high pitched chirping sound, espacially when it´s about time for bed,
and tries to snuggle in under the grey one.
They’re 2 1/2 months so this is just an educated guess I’m asking for. 😅 I feel like a new chicken mama asking the question. The smaller one cries a lot and wants nothing to do with humans. The bigger is a little more approachable and does the took-took noise. No displaying. Second and third...
Hi everyone. Long time reader first poster!
We have 4 chicks that are doing great, but what sex do you all think they are?!
Our guess is:
Black = Hen
White = Hen
Black with speckles = Rooster
Orange = Can’t decide?!
The black, white and orange all grew wings and tail feathers much quicker...