Can you eat eggs from young chickens? (pics)

I was just telling my DD that eggs should be eggs...LOL Glad to see I don't have to eat crow (just eggs!!)
We are eating the first eggs! I've heard they may have blood spots, but I haven't seen any with my pullets.
We're eating ours too but you might want them to stick with their idea and you can have all the yummy little cute eggs to yourself! My first hen to play was just a day past 20 weeks and I've seen lots of people on here say they had chickens start laying at 16 weeks. My other two girls waited until 22 and almost 23 weeks to start laying.
Right. I see no reason to correct their folly. Just let them think the little eggs are bad. Then your family can be impressed with how brave you are to eat them, while you get to thoroughly enjoy the little gems without having to share!

My husband and I plan to cook and split our first little egg (which is due any minute now), and eat it with the bottle of champagne we've had in the refrigerator for the occasion since we first got the chickens. We can't wait!
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I couldn't wait to get up to the house when the first egg came to get a pan and butter out to make me some eggs! They were wonderful !!!

And yes, the eggs get bigger... some make me cringe with the thought of how the poor lady felt laying a few of them! LOL Got one last night that was just shy of 3 inches long, and heavy too !!

Eat away, and ENJOY !!!

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