Can you Identify my 4yr olds Caterpillar?! *EDIT, LOOK WHAT IT DID!!!*

we found a swallow tail but it looked a bit different than yours ours was eating the parsley they like that and dill, if yours was on those herbs than I would say for sure it is. or if you feed it either and it eats it than I would say it is.

I have a question for any who might know Our swallowtail made its crysilis (sp?) a few weeks ago and still has not come out, is it too cold? will it emerge in spring? or is it dead?
Depends on where you live I think. We have a Black Swallowtail here that is going to overwinter in the house.

It will be a nice surprise in the spring! Just don't forget about it!
It was on my Calamansi, which is a citrus tree so I think it may be an orange dog. Happy my daughter iddnt let her dady kill it lol
It was on my Calamansi, which is a citrus tree so I think it may be an orange dog. Happy my daughter iddnt let her dady kill it lol

Cool we can both see them emerge this spring
So it is probably not dead just wating until spring, Cool I was dreading telling my ds that it had not survived. Guess I have a new centerpiece for me dinning table this year lol I had been keeping it there so we would see it come out, now I guess it will stay there so we dont forget it.

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