Can you mix Corid and Tylan together?


6 Years
Jun 26, 2013
I just learned that one of my flocks tested positive for MG. :(
They may also have cocci.
Can I mix Corid and Tylan together in their water?
Any advice at the point is greatly appreciated!
Most medications are not meant to be mixed in the water with other medicines. How many chickens are you going to medicate? If it isn't too many, you can give Tylan 50 injectable by mouth once or twice a day. How old are the ones being treated? Some people have written about mixing Duramycin10 and Corid on here, but I still would be cautious mixing any two together. Maybe someone else will chime in.
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They probably *can* be mixed together, but I would be afraid that too many medications in the water might make them drink less.


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