Can you put a Chabo (Japanese Bantam) roo with regular size hens ?

Fascinating this poultry keeping world. So Bantams are true Bantams when they don't have a non Bantam big variant, like Silkies. Big silkies would be pretty neat tho. :D
Thank you so much. 😊 Ok one more question, then I'll leave you alone. When doing the see not touch do I put their feeding bowls close to each other to force contact like you do for cats, or far apart ?
You can, but you don't have to. You can certainly scatter a bit of scratch or something around the area so they eat treats together (not too much though as too much scratch is unhealthy)
I have a bantam cockerel amongst bantam and standard size hens. It’s been good because the older bigger hens have taught him manners. One of the bantam hens has now accepted him. He was raised by my broody alongside a standard pullet and he has never tried to force her. He still tries to force the standard hens first thing in the morning when he is most frisky, but they know to jump up high somewhere and wait til he settles down. Then for the rest of the day he tries to dance for them and woo them. He is the only one who has been injured with some peck wounds to the comb and wattles. If I’d started with a standard roo I would have been anxious for my ladies because he would have gotten bigger than them and they may not have been able to keep him in line.

It depends on the personalities of the individuals involved. But I would guess that your ISAs are going to kick the crap out of a bantam cockerel/rooster you put in with them. At least until he learns his place.
Oh no, poor guy :D I guess I'd better do the see no touch and get some bantam ladies later too :D

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