Can you train for friendlier chickens?

I have only ever bought adult chickens and they were always friendly right off the hop. Every chick I got by letting a silkie go broody and I'd let her do the hard work of raising the chick and teaching them how to forage. All these chicks wound up being skiddish of people. It would be very difficult for me to handle the chicks more since I let the chicks live with the flock and they had almost 8,000 square feet to run away from me and hide under bushes.

For a number of reasons, I recently cut their freerange area down to only about 850 square feet (including coop). This means when I am with the chickens it is very hard for them to run away, and I can more easily corner them and pick them up. I've picked them up and lightly held them while hand feeding them away from the flock and I hope this works. Some of my older pullets are now more willing to get closer to me, but its a work in progress.
I agree, do not try and catch them. If you do, they will go docile, but not because they like it, that is a reaction of a prey when captured by a predator.

Sit with them for twenty minute - throw down scratch away from you, wait and leave. Next day, repeat, but throw the scratch a little closer to you and do it a little sooner. Next, sit down, drop a little scratch close to you and do not move as they approach. Wait and go.

One day as you take your seat, they will be coming to look for the scratch, get them to eat out of your hands. One day, one will jump in your lap, looking for the treats.

I did this one summer with a wild bunch, but come to find out, I really didn't like them in my lap. Now, I just prefer to watch them. I very seldom handle them.

Mrs K
If I'm busy working on the coop or doing repairs they're all over me and under my feet .My rooster will eat out of my hand occasionally but only if the hens aren't around.Then he gives it to them. None of my chickens like to be held even if they're sick lol. That's ok because I don't like holding chickens either
Thanks for all the advice. These new pullets will eat from my hand but as soon as I move they dash away. I can't even get them to come out of the coop without coaxing them with treats and once the treats are gone they run right back into the coop.

All the chickens I've had in the past have been happy to roam about the yard if I let them so I am a bit perplexed by this behavior.
I've found that when petting them, stroking them very lightly on a wing (side) was much less stressful for them than if I stroked them on their back. To them, that was Scary Thing Coming At Them From Above. They are prey animals, and something coming down toward them is instinctively scary.
You can observe this in other animals like dogs too! I always say underhand not overhand and they will be less reactive. Also being aware of your body language is a huge factor. I try to not face the animal with my body when I want them to be more comfortable or come close to me.

I like to pet my chickens under the chin/chest, they seem to like that better than the neck/back area.
You can observe this in other animals like dogs too! I always say underhand not overhand and they will be less reactive. Also being aware of your body language is a huge factor. I try to not face the animal with my body when I want them to be more comfortable or come close to me.

I like to pet my chickens under the chin/chest, they seem to like that better than the neck/back area.
Mine are the opposite, they prefer that I pet their back rather than their chest. Every bird is a bit different I suppose
Like most animals pretty easy to win over FOOD will always do it! I have a lot of chickens and most of them eat from the hand and if you sit down with food some will jump up on your lap and they do come when I call them
Not just for animals, food is a motivator for kids too --- all the teachers in the elementary school provide candy as a motivator. I couldn't believe it when I learned this and that kids eat in the classrooms these days. I grew up in a different time and place it seems.

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