Canned pumpkin pie filling


8 Years
Jun 28, 2011
My chickens love pumpkins. My mom has a lot of canned pumpkin pie filling. I was wandering if I can feed it to my chickens.
Thank you for your help.
As long as it's the good stuff, no fillers or anything - Yes.
If it is the commercial stuff that is labeled Pumpkin Pie filling, it is not straight canned pumpkin. I'd have to look at the list of ingredients to see if there is anything in there that chickens shouldn't have.

Also, canned pumpkin pie filling is a bit expensive and you had better be sure you have permission to feed it to the chickens before you do. If you did that at my house without asking, I'd tan your hide.
Right now, the jack-o-lantern pumpkins are at the market for cheap. If you want to feed your chickens pumpkin, go and buy them some.

I usually buy about 150 pounds of pumpkin this time of year. I cook it and freeze it for the rest of the year.
Yes, I think so!
My chickens LOVE pumpkins, and so do my dogs!!

I had some Pumpkin Pie Filling, Libby's, and I gave it to my chickens, I added to one bowl wet cat food, to the second bowl I added oysters! My hens need extra protein! Boy did they love it! Ate it up really fast! I was cleaning out my pantry, expiration date past due.

Did not want to throw it out, still good, hopefully helped my "girls" out!

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how do you cook pumpkins for the chickens????? I need to know!! just the little pumpkin pie pumpkins from the produce section???
roni'sgreenacre :

My chickens love pumpkins. My mom has a lot of canned pumpkin pie filling. I was wandering if I can feed it to my chickens.
Thank you for your help.

Make iced pumpkin cookies instead! MMmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!

Yes they can eat it if it is Libby's but that really makes good cookies. Also muffins with streudel topping.​
=goobhen to the second bowl I added oysters!

"Oysters"! You give em oysters?! I live where they harvest the darn things and a dozen on the half shell still costs more than I'm willing to pay.

I gotta say, them is some spoiled chickens...​

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