
I haven’t had weasels/minks though they do live in the Hills... just not here :fl. From what I’ve heard though, a weasel wouldn’t stop until they were all dead (unless interrupted by you, perhaps). I covered the vents in my coop with 1/2x1/2” hardware cloth. Stapled on liberally. I also put insect screening on over it since it was summer and wasps were trying to colonize even as I was working on it.

Now my girls are in a converted tool shed. It’s tight enough that I had to put (screened) vents in the gable ends, but the sliding doors leave a small gap at the bottom. If it EVER stops snowing, I’m gonna have to fix that.
I'm so sorry for your losses. By chance is your coop near a river or stream? Mink are found in Virginia, commonly near water. They can squeeze through a gap as small as 1". BYC article about mink.
We have a pond in the back field. Whatever it is only eats at the fleshy parts and neck.
Many years ago I had a Fischer come thru and wipe out most my young Muscovy ducklings and young guineas. Finially trapped him but it took whole bodies.
Now my girls are in a converted tool shed. It’s tight enough that I had to put (screened) vents in the gable ends, but the sliding doors leave a small gap at the bottom. If it EVER stops snowing, I’m gonna have to fix that.
Then it's never going to get fixed, because it's never going to stop snowing...

I have traps out... thanks. Caught a few possums so far along with a cat.
Possums will kill and eat chickens.

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