can't figure out what kind of hens I got at TSC


11 Years
Apr 6, 2008
I thought my hens were a red sex link. They have a single comb, yellow legs, light red feathering with white on neck, wings and butts. Clean legs, no muffs, shaped like a standard chicken. The feathers on their necks are getting pretty with a slightly lacey appearance. As babies they were slightly reddish with faint markings on their back. I have 3 and today I got 3 white eggs. I have also been getting brown eggs for 10 days. I have 5 barred rock hens from same source.

I can't find them in any of my catalogues. SOMEBODY PLEASE GIVE ME A HINT because most everything I can think of or have looked up should be laying brown eggs.
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Thre is Production Blacks who are barred and lay white eggs.Red hens sound like Red Sex Link and supose to lay brown eggs.What color earlobes your barred girls have?
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I'll have too look. The chicks looked just like barred rocks and the roos and hens all look like the barred rock I've had before. In fact they told me that's what they were at TSC. Thanks though. I am not positive which hens are laying which eggs....when they all start laying I should be able to tell. I sure didn't know there was a barred black sex link
If you check Ideal Poultry's site,look for Breed-Production Black.They have Barred Holands who lay white eggs and look like Rocks
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I had the same thing 3 Red chicks and 3 black chicks from TSC. The reds are red with white and red lacing. The blacks are barred. I was getting brown eggs from Reds and 1 tan from one of the barred, then I got a white egg and did a double take. As it turns out one of my barred hens has white on her ears, just a little. Sure enough, I caught her in the nest one day and she lays a pretty white egg. I looked at other chickens and posted her picture on here and asked some questions. Someone wrote back and suggested Barred Leghorn. She sure looks like a Barred Leghorn after I looked at their pictures on feathersite. Here is my old post with pictures.
Thank you so much everyone. At least 1 has definite white ear but it is not by any means as prominent as my brown leghorn roo's. The other barreds don't have white ear lobes so they may be the hollands...a couple I did not get a good look at.

Anyway, Thanks....wouldn't you know I had just carefully explained to my 11 yr old grandson that we could tell the color of our eggs by the breeds and that we (he has a black sex link) would only be getting brown eggs.......Guess I'm not the Nana Chicken Guru anymore.
Try calling your TSC store and asking where they get their chicks from(probably need to speak with a manager). That should help narrow down the breed list. Once you know the hatchery, they might be able to tell you what they sent(or usually send) to TSC.
Production blacks look a lot like what a barred leghorn would look like...and considering they are a hybred white egg layer it makes since they have leghorn blood in there. However if these are hatchery birds the chances of a barred leghorn is VERY slim...they don't have them..we have leghorns in nearly every color and trust me those are hard to find.

Here is the link to the Production Blacks
Cool. Since my other post I've considered her a Barred Leghorn. Now I know she a Production Black and I will have lots of eggs!!!! That pictures looks just like her on the Ideal site, except she is colored more like the Cockerel. She is gray and white.

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