Investigating Can't page through bookmarks


Sing Brightly
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
8 Years
Aug 1, 2015
My Coop
My Coop
  1. Are you on a computer, tablet, phone.
  2. Computer.
  3. If phone / mobile, which model? If computer, which operating system and version?
  4. Ubuntu 17.10
  5. Which browser and version are you using (eg., Chrome 58.0.3029, Firefox 3.5.9, Internet Explorer 8, etc.)
  6. Firefox and Chrome. I have no idea as to the versions---apologies.
  7. Have you deleted your internet cache / browser history of files and tried again?
  8. No. I can't figure out how to do that since the computer got updated.
  9. Have you tried a different browser?
  10. Yes.
  11. What EXACTLY did you do? Document the steps you took before having the problem.
  12. If I go to anyone's bookmark tab under their profile, including my own, I can only see the first page. If I click on "next" or "page 2" it links back to page one and won't let me continue. I can access my own through the menu dropdown under 'account' but obviously I can't do that with anyone else's. :lol: This is an error that has been around for weeks and weeks but I didn't get around to reporting it until now. It did work perfectly at one point in time.
  13. Copy/Paste the exact error message you received (screenshots are best).
  14. Unfortunately there is no error message, it just loads the 1st page again instead of proceeding to page 2.
Thank you!
Also, I can't insert bookmarks any longer. The option's gone. :confused: I suppose that ought to go on a new thread though.
I think you mentioned these items were working before, but stopped? Do you know when these problems started?
Unfortunately, no. I wrote them off as a temporary glitch and forgot about them for a while.

Edit: I do remember they worked for me when Kiki was complaining about the insert bookmarks not working for her.
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Unfortunately, no. I wrote them off as a temporary glitch and forgot about them for a while.

Edit: I do remember they worked for me when Kiki was complaining about the insert bookmarks not working for her.

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