Solved Can't see article ratings


Mar 19, 2021
My Coop
My Coop
So I got a notification saying "anonymous" rated my article types of poultry flock. I clicked on it, but it took me to the top of the article. I scrolled down but no review can be seen.
I even tried accessing the article another way but I still couldn't see the review.
I've tried reloading the page too. No luck!

Now I won't be able to sleep until I see it!!!
At the article, was the top review anonymous? Or they could have rated your article but not reviewed it.
I'm really bad at explaining things, though. Sorry.
Uh.. Um..

Here's what I did



If they rated your article, that means they didn't actually write anything and only gave it a star rating. Only if they review your article will there be something to read associated with that star rating. On mobile, you can see the rating almost all the way to the bottom of the page, past the comments section and in the box labeled 'Article Information'.
If they rated your article, that means they didn't actually write anything and only gave it a star rating. Only if they review your article will there be something to read associated with that star rating. On mobile, you can see the rating almost all the way to the bottom of the page, past the comments section and in the box labeled 'Article Information'.
shock what GIF by Phizz

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