CCX run sizing?


Crossing the Road
Oct 29, 2024
My Coop
My Coop
Hia! Raising Cornish cross for the first time this summer! I'll have them in a chicken tractor that I'll be moving daily so they will always have fresh grass.
Is the sizing the same for pet chickens? (which I believe is 10 or more Sq. Ft. per bird?)
Technically, no. People usually say something like 2 or 3 sq. ft. per bird, but honestly I have such a different opinion of CX since I started feeding them 18% protein instead of higher. Because my birds aren't so fat they can't move, they enjoy grazing every bit of their 10+ sq. ft. per bird. If I fed them to grow at a quicker rate and they were spending most of the day lying down, maybe they wouldn't need so much space.

So, it depends.

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