Chain link pens and tragic accident

Percheron chick

Free Ranging
11 Years
Apr 12, 2013
Hudson, Colorado
My geese have a fenced area and at night are locked up in chain link dog kennels to protect them from the usual predators. Has worked fine for 2 years. Prior to that, they were run into the chicken coop at night but they got progressively aggressive with the chickens so they got the boot.
A few nights ago my 8 month old gander somehow ripped off his entire lower beak. Needless to say, it didn't have a happy ending. He wasn't fighting with others as his mother is in the pen next to him (by herself) and they are turned out together during the day. I can only guess that he got his head stuck in the fence and when he pulled back somehow he pulled his beak off. I've added bird netting to the lower part and considering making wooden sides.
So I guess my question is how do we protect them from themselves? What materials does everyone use that keeps coyotes out? Time to move everyone around and set them up for the breeding season.
Cautionary tale? Maybe just dumb luck up to this point.
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Sorry you lost the ganders beak there I will just say the other three are right to protect from outside could be something tried to pull him out but only was able to hold onto the beak as the gander fought a hot wire or tape on an electric fence charger ...low impedence is safest for your animals and you...6" from bottom and at top of fence .... wa-lah , no losses at night to predators...easy-peasy.....or you can have a gang of raccoons kill your adult geese like I did 20 years ago in suburbia edge... (not to mention loose dogs, coyotes, foxes, etc)...
If they can stuff their beaks through something, they will do it, because the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. My gander stuck his beak through some chicken wire that was protecting a new dwarf cherry tree:

Amazingly, that injury completely healed following a course of topical silver sulfadiazine that our vet gave us.

Sorry for your loss, OP.

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