Change in Poop - possible sickness? Advice needed

Has she taken a recent interest in certain foods that she hasn't in the past, if so further explain what?
I've noticed it attempting to try and eat snails, but I don't think it's been successful and I'm not sure if that's a new behaviour. Other than that I can't think of anything new. Just seeming looking for food most of the time, when say a week ago it wasn't too bothered outside of when I gave it food.
Has she taken a recent interest in certain foods that she hasn't in the past, if so further explain what?
I've noticed it attempting to try and eat snails, but I don't think it's been successful and I'm not sure if that's a new behaviour. Other than that I can't think of anything new. Just seeming looking for food most of the time, when say a week ago it wasn't too bothered outside of when I gave it food.
This is something that is concerning, sharp sand should never be fed to poultry as grit, its much to fine and often causes a blockage in birds digestive system if fed.

Right I will stop that. I've not been mixing it, but providing it in a separate bowl, if that's any less bad!
Well, besides the poop, she definitely isn't acting like she has an impaction, but since sand impactions in birds are often gradual, going from odd-looking poops, to a recent interest in other nonviable food items like dirt and sand, I don't think it should be totally eliminated as a possible cause of her abnormal feces. Do as I suggested above, and please let us know what the vet says.

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