Change of plans

In an interesting turn of events Onyx is broody AGAIN, I didn't think anything of her spending extra time in the nest until I checked the camera and noticed she's been sleeping in the nest box. Since this hatch has been such a crap shoot, I think I'm going to give her the Marans eggs on Thursday and let it play out from there.
In an interesting turn of events Onyx is broody AGAIN, I didn't think anything of her spending extra time in the nest until I checked the camera and noticed she's been sleeping in the nest box. Since this hatch has been such a crap shoot, I think I'm going to give her the Marans eggs on Thursday and let it play out from there.
Great idea... Nothing beats a broody.
IIRC, Raven went broody super close to when the BBS eggs arrived, so that was a no brainier. Only issue I had was how many eggs to give her being a brand new broody. That's when @NanaK suggested doing 6 and Bator 6. Slipping any Bator chicks under her after hatch. Hasn't played out completely yet, but I'm hopefully and she seems very attentive to her first little one so far...🤞
Great idea... Nothing beats a broody.
IIRC, Raven went broody super close to when the BBS eggs arrived, so that was a no brainier. Only issue I had was how many eggs to give her being a brand new broody. That's when @NanaK suggested doing 6 and Bator 6. Slipping any Bator chicks under her after hatch. Hasn't played out completely yet, but I'm hopefully and she seems very attentive to her first little one so far...🤞
She will be about a week off of schedule, so hopefully it'll be ok (I did the same thing with my Lav Orp Felicity this year (a week early) but with live chicks and it went smoothly. If anything, Onyx is EXTRA when she is broody, total lunatic about her babies, even after I sold her last hatch, she wouldn't snap out of it, so I locked her up for a few days and that did the trick. I bet Raven will be more than happy to double her baby count! I'll be watching your thread closely!
I candled last weekend and as I expected the 3 that I thought were quitters definitely were, so that leaves 4 eggs that look great! I'll be giving them to Onyx sometime this week.
Dark as they are I can only imagine how hard they are to candle
This is my first time with marans eggs, but I wasn't too worried because I have incubated my OE's eggs and they are very dark as well. I use a magicfly candler, it's worth every penny. You may not see every detail like you would with a regular brown egg, but you can tell if there are babies swimming or just a yolk floating to the top.
This is my first time with marans eggs, but I wasn't too worried because I have incubated my OE's eggs and they are very dark as well. I use a magicfly candler, it's worth every penny. You may not see every detail like you would with a regular brown egg, but you can tell if there are babies swimming or just a yolk floating to the top.
Thank you for the suggestion. I need something better.

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