Changing to a nipple water system

I've used all kinds except for the push in type and I have found that these horizontal poultry nipples are the best thing out there.

I TOTALLY agree with the horizontal nipples!!!!!!!!! Yes they cost a couple bucks more but they DON'T drip!!!!!!!!

If you want to go a bit cheaper and you don't mind the occasional drip you can get inexpensive nipples 5/$1.99 shipped on Ebay from China.

Check out the link below my signature for my bucket waterer.
I finally got the nipples so going to try to make the 5 gallon water bucket tomorrow. Couple questions please ;).

1. Does the inside of the 5 gallon bucket with a lid get that slimy feeling in it and if so is it as often as the typical water jugs do?

2. Does the nipple system using a 5 gallon bucket still produce humidity therefore it needs to stay in the run?

Thank you in advance for any and all assistance!

~ Nicole
Mine doesn't get slimy but 5 gallons last a week for me so when I fill it I give it a quick rinse, I have it outside just for that exact reason of less humidity in the coop.
Yes water in the run is fine .They don't eat or drink in the dark anyway so as long as you let them out in the mornings they will be fine, and having your water in the run helps to keep you coop dry.
Our chicks figured it out in 15 minutes and the 10 month olds took several hours on a hot day. Love that I only have to fill it once a week.

We use two nipples on our bucket for 12 birds, though one would probably be just as good.
I've used all kinds except for the push in type and I have found that these horizontal poultry nipples are the best thing out there. This same ebay seller also has an Automatic Fill Watering System that you could get, it is one of the nicest out there and the auto fill feature is something no one else offers. It is easily expandable as well and I do believe he sells the parts direct without having to go through ebay.

If you do a search for my user name, LoneOak, I have posted a couple topics about the different types of systems I have and am currently using along with pictures of most of it as well.

Just to add, I haven't seen any of these items at the local feed stores either. Even Tractor Supply doesn't carry them. I believe the stores have to buy such a large quantity to meet there return margins that they don't even mess with them. I asked at my local feed store and he said not even his suppliers carried any of the nipples or cups just the standard feeders and waters that they have been offering for years.

The auto fill system is great thanks.
At what height do you put the nipples for standard size chickens? We won't be hanging ours do wondered if on 8 " of cinder block is high enough.
The auto fill system is great thanks.
Did you get one Chad-o?

At what height do you put the nipples for standard size chickens? We won't be hanging ours do wondered if on 8 " of cinder block is high enough.
I like to build my water system where it is easy to change the height. The best height in my opinion is just about eye height or a little higher. So as your chickens grow you may have to raise them a little bit every couple months until they get fully grown and then have them at or real close to eye level.

I have one system inside a breeding coop where the birds never get to go outside (it does have dirt floor with bugs and worms), it uses the auto fill cups that have the nipple inside that fills the cup when they drink. At one time the cups were getting terrible dirty inside and I had failed to raise the cups from when the birds were young and the cups low. After I raised the cups to a decent height for full grown birds the cups seldom get enough dirt and gunk in them that I have to remove them and rinse em out. I think it is called adapting your system to the situation you are currently dealing with. The reason this coop has the cups is because I had the standard vertical nipples in there and they made terrible puddles under the drinkers. I didn't have any horizontal nipples at the time but I did have a bunch of the cups and I had to use what I had instead of always buying new. I only buy the horizontal nipples now but the suto cups do work really well.

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