Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hello Everyone! Thanks for checking in with me. I haven’t had any issues lately I needed to get advice on so I haven’t been around as much. I have been keeping busy with our layers as usual. Last weekend we picked up our first batch of broilers for the year.
Love your coop, ❤ best wishes with your broilers!
:frowHi! Everything is going good. We have been busy tree planting and doing pre commercial thinning. Plus we have been busy with the new addition to our rescue cats. We didnt know if she was going to make it, but she did. She has had to have leg amputation, eye removal, her her stomach and intestines were in her chest cavity so they had to fix that, and she malnourished. She is doing fantastic now. The vet said that she thinks she got run over. I am just glad we found her!
Aww....what a sweetheart! You have a heart of gold rescuing her!! 💛
Hello everyone :) Our little dinosaurs are fine, but unfortunately mite season started, trying to get rid of them (again).
Beautiful bird in your photo! ❤ As nice as summer is, it definitely brings out the annoying bugs! 🕷️
Thanks for reaching out. We started with 5, then moved across the country & had big ban & barnyard. Things great till Las year- alpha hen Oreo got a bad respiratory infection & passed away in my arms- rough stuff, local farm vet no help. Then my gal- Yoshi our Rhode Island Red had issues with being egg bound- fixed her with warm bath & love & gloved hand, pulled out rotten egg good as new for another year, then not- Vet was pointless yet again. She passed in my arms to:hmmur big girl Gidget who could jump vertically 5 feet to take your burger was a rock star at everything- super outgoing, wouldn't take no for an answer, and although she was the lowest in the pecking order she was first at running for food, treats, grasshoppers, love and screaming at hawks. We found her 1 month ago in the coop in the barn Headless. So then I brought in our last girl. Buff- our Buff Orpington. We got all the chick's on Valentine's Day 6.5 years ago and she just stopped laying a few months ago after being our dependable gal. She's always been the secret leader. Quiet until she's not & then whoa! She came into the house & I treated her for worms- safeguard pea size injected into a pea. Then noticed her respiratory issues, so antibiotics, fixed it. Then diarrhea- fixed with medicated feed. A week later she lost her appetite & I noticed the labored breathing increased with the giant squishy belly. Water belly I guess. No cure. So she has her blankey in the living room. She goes in & out of the pet door & poops on her blankey like a good girl when she's inside. She hops onto a chair in my bedroom then into a box facing the window & goes nighty night at dusk. She Wakes me up at 7am & goes to her food & water by her blankey. Then she preens & goes outside with the cats & dog for the day. Then one day she started only excreting water- couldn't call it diarrhea anymore really- just explosive water. Outside thankfully. And the next day she was great. Super hungry, no fat squishy belly, chatty, happy & like her old self. No labored breathing either. Now she goes back to the barn this week. We're on vacation & have family checking in on her. I'm bringing a radio out there, cleaning out coop, setting up a mannequin with my straw hat, and putting in 2 smart lights with two way speaking & night vision. If a fox, raccoon, or stray cat get curious they will hopefully think twice. I don't like having 1 of anything. But I can't get more chickens to keep her company. I'm disabled now and it's been tough. I've enjoyed her being in the house & I know she's feeling out of sorts with her sisters gone. But some days now I swear she's happy, content to sit on my lap & watch Is It Cake while I pet her. I've had all sort of pets, but I have to say chickens are the best & sweetest at snuggles.
You've done a wonderful job with her, she's lucky to have you!! ❤
Sorry got a new phone and had some extra time from the kids (5 of them) and the animals (hamster, fishes, dogs(5), chicken(lost count after 25), quails(japanes(over 25) and chines(11), and now 2 rabbits
What kind of rabbits do you have!? I love rabbits.
You’re right we all do get busy with our birds. But I had a lovely conversation with a woman at our local Tractor Supply. She had just gotten into chickens and asked me a question and before I knew it, we’d been standing there almost an hour. I just love answering questions and helping people out when they’re starting on this fluffy feathery journey.
I have done the exact same thing at the exact same store! lol
Did you end up telling her about BYC?
@Nifty-Chicken Great idea for a thread! And thanks for the bump. Got bogged down with life, a new puppy last year, a car project, house projects, etc. No excuse for not checking in!

Still have 3 of my initial 5 girls going strong. We had a rough molting season. Between that and the constantly overcast skies up here, the laying slowed down a lot. But sun is out lately and the eggs are flowing! We're looking to add another 5 or 6 to the coop really soon. Probably go with some Barred Rock hens.
Barred Rocks are a good choice. What kind of puppy did you get?
I don't have any chickens yet. Just moved last summer and have to do a bit of work to the yard and then we can build a coop. So hopefully we'll be able to get some soon!
I've been good, lurking occasionally. Probably gonna get more chicks soon. The 9 of the surviving original chicks i got are gonna be turning 4 tomorrow.
What kind of chicks are you thinking of getting?
Is you coop big enough to add more to the older 9?

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