Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
All good! Just busy with a new puppy!
hiii guys!! I haven’t been on here in a WHILE! been dealing with a lot of family things and starting a new job, getting new pets, and more! i can’t believe I’ve been here since 2018. love you all!
hiii guys!! I haven’t been on here in a WHILE! been dealing with a lot of family things and starting a new job, getting new pets, and more! i can’t believe I’ve been here since 2018. love you all!
Welcome back! You have a shiny badge saying 6 Years; congrats! :clap New pets are always fun!
so fun!! a wild Muscovy has decided to move in with us and now she’s incubating 12 duck eggs after mating with my male Pekin 🤦‍♀️. we also have two roadrunners who live at our house too. lots of new things!
Oh, no. Don't let the babies try returning to the wild. Those ducks are definitely an odd couple, lol. Roadrunners? Wow! That must be cool!
yeah.. I actually don’t know what I’ll do once the Muscovy hatches the eggs 😓 I’m going to be moving soon and I’m not sure if they’ll stay but I’ll figure it out
Because they've got domesticated duck in them and won't be able to survive in the wild, I suggest catching them all. If you can't take them, maybe you can find someone else who can?
........ I separated the food at three different sections of the coop and that seems to be working better because the older chickens are getting tired of chasing the little ones away from the food.
That worked for a while but the big birds continued to be territorial so I put a picket fence between the food for the little ones and the rest of the pen. The little ones can fit through the pickets but they are too close together for the big ones to fit. They can jump over but apparently that is too much trouble so they don't bother and the little ones can eat to their hearts delight. I have Layer food in another part of the pen and that feeder is mounted higher so the little ones do not get too much Calcium.

I have been giving all of them probiotics and electrolytes for the past three days and will stop that soon because I think that led to less egg production earlier when I had been adding it to the water for the past few weeks. At least that is one theory I got from this site.

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