Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hello everyone!

I hope life is treating you all well! I still have my quail - one of my birds is of my original hatch and he is currently 6 years old. He still healthy - eats well and is living life to the fullest. I have a new batch of Coturnix eggs incubating as I post this and will post pictures if y'all are interested! Thank you for reaching out. Have a great summer everyone.

Hello everyone!

I hope life is treating you all well! I still have my quail - one of my birds is of my original hatch and he is currently 6 years old. He still healthy - eats well and is living life to the fullest. I have a new batch of Coturnix eggs incubating as I post this and will post pictures if y'all are interested! Thank you for reaching out. Have a great summer everyone.

Six years old is very old for a quail isnt it? You've obviously
taken good care of him.
Thanks for thinking of me! Been a tough sad time here. Many of our larger animals came to our home as babies during the same time in the 24 years. Its been so sad loosing my seniors after all these years. Lots of empty spaces and time that use to be so filled during the day enjoying them being with us that are gone. Feeling on the mend to pop back in and see all the great news on how everyone else is doing.
Thanks for thinking of me! Been a tough sad time here. Many of our larger animals came to our home as babies during the same time in the 24 years. Its been so sad loosing my seniors after all these years. Lots of empty spaces and time that use to be so filled during the day enjoying them being with us that are gone. Feeling on the mend to pop back in and see all the great news on how everyone else is doing.
Im sorry for your losses. I understand. We've lost so many to old age. It is sad. And as we are seniors too, we've decided not to get anymore animals of any kind once these are gone.
Im sorry for your losses. I understand. We've lost so many to old age. It is sad. And as we are seniors too, we've decided not to get anymore animals of any kind once these are gone.
Thank you and sorry as well for your loss too. Same mind frame here, we grew old with them and have decided not to add animals to the farm. I can't see life without chickens, Love my hens, but our roosters are just the best for making my day. Always heart felt to walk into our mud room to go outside, and find my roosters laying with my LGD beating the heat for the day.. Hugs your way
Thank you and sorry as well for your loss too. Same mind frame here, we grew old with them and have decided not to add animals to the farm. I can't see life without chickens, Love my hens, but our roosters are just the best for making my day. Always heart felt to walk into our mud room to go outside, and find my roosters laying with my LGD beating the heat for the day.. Hugs your way
I agree. I have some of the best roosters, and they always make me laugh. I'm a little sad that there will be no "beginner crowing contests" this year. Hugs back at you!

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