Cheryl's Hen House...

You probably know, but,...... if you give them anything but mash, crumbles or pellets that they need some grit too?

I have given them some dirt clods. I don't have any grit but I'll pick some up tonight on the way home. Does it need to be for chicks or just any grit? I looked at the grit they had at TSC when I got the PDZ but it seemed much too big for our littles. Just put some out for them in a dish to begin with? I was planning on making another PVC feeder for grit but in 2" instead of the 4" regular feeders but I haven't gotten that far yet. What other treats would you suggest?

Still sitting here bummed out over the 4 out of 6 cockerels from the local guy. smh... Cheryl is telling me she's not disappointed but I know that she is.
I have given them some dirt clods. I don't have any grit but I'll pick some up tonight on the way home. Does it need to be for chicks or just any grit? I looked at the grit they had at TSC when I got the PDZ but it seemed much too big for our littles. Just put some out for them in a dish to begin with? I was planning on making another PVC feeder for grit but in 2" instead of the 4" regular feeders but I haven't gotten that far yet. What other treats would you suggest?

Still sitting here bummed out over the 4 out of 6 cockerels from the local guy. smh... Cheryl is telling me she's not disappointed but I know that she is.

There is specific chick grit for chickens up to about 8 weeks. It's pretty small, a little bigger than course sand. It will be labeled "chick grit". Meal worms have been a great way, for us, to socialize with the chickens. Live ones will likely get a bigger reaction but they sell bags of the dried variety. At first, there is just a little curious and shy pecking. But once they start to recognize them as food, they go nuts over them. If they see or hear the bag, they run straight over for them haha.
Quote: Best if it's chick sized grit....check out that link I posted.....but the TSC grit could be run thru a strainer and you'll likely get enough smaller pieces. BTDT.

Was the 'local guy' a private party that told you they were all pullets?
If so, did he make any kind of guarantee?
Even if he didn't, seriously, I'd call him and say....
....Hey, dude, 4 cockerels out of 6 chicks, what can you do for me???
Usually Marans come straight run and are advertised as such.
I don't think they can be pattern sexed at hatch...and unless he is really good at vent sexing...well.....
Best if it's chick sized grit....check out that link I posted.....but the TSC grit could be run thru a strainer and you'll likely get enough smaller pieces. BTDT.

Was the 'local guy' a private party that told you they were all pullets?
If so, did he make any kind of guarantee?
Even if he didn't, seriously, I'd call him and say....
....Hey, dude, 4 cockerels out of 6 chicks, what can you do for me???
Usually Marans come straight run and are advertised as such.
I don't think they can be pattern sexed at hatch...and unless he is really good at vent sexing...well.....

My TSC was out of chick grit when I was last there. Shows to be in stock now.

It's a commercial operation albeit a family owned farm. I think there was a misunderstanding between Cheryl and the hatchery. Her understanding was they were sexed. He says not. Beats me. I didn't deal with them at all. Cheryl doesn't want to make waves. She tells me that they are obviously struggling business wise. I'm just trying to make the best out of a bad situation now. Bunch 'o roosters that I'm not supposed to have. Disappointed wife trying not to show it. You know. Normal chicken keeping stuff.

4 out of 6 still seems a little over the top even for a straight run. Makes for a couple of pretty pricey pullets.
You probably know, but,...... if you give them anything but mash, crumbles or pellets that they need some grit too?

Under this pile of chicks there is a small dish with chick grit. Sheesh.....

Might want to be proactive in getting that Wyandotte girl mingling before you remove her buddy.
Are they all eating together from the same feeder?
Seen any animosity between the 2 group members?

I'd start putting them all up on the roost/board, and let them figure out how to get down, under supervision this evening after work.
If they can get down fine, then put them all on the roost well after dark, mixing the Wyandottes in with the others.
Use a flashlight or headlight and shine it off to the side or up, they're pretty docile once it's full dark and they are settled in.
They'll squeak a bit, but if you hold their wings to the body and make sure to get their feet under them on the roost then slowly let go, they'll stay put.
I've found it important not to shine the light along a path they may want to take, if they can't see they won't likely move.

Not sure if you've been feeding any treats and grit yet...but treats can be a great equalizing distraction.
A little chick scratch(my mill has chick starter-grains ground pretty small with chick grit added) might be a good way to get them to mingle more.

Just some thoughts.

Stage 1 is complete. We went out and put them all on the roosts. They milled around for a few minutes and then all flew down. We let them chill for a few and then put them all back on the roosts. They pretty much just hung out there. A few flew down eventually. Few more went totally nuts dust bathing in the PDZ as you predicted. They like looking out the windows.



Dust bathing mosh pit.

Wow! I just have to say you really put in a lot of effort here. Loved going through these pages and watching the process. You guys just seem so happy. Very inspiring! I do wonder how long those white walls will keep though! *giggle*

I love the dust bath drawer idea.... so cute. I'm pretty new to this and I've never seen that before! Now I want one. Haha. I might borrow the idea--- I may put the perches beside the sandbox though.... as to prevent so much poop. Is your perch movable? Maybe you've already mentioned. :D Haha there are so many pages here it's hard to cover everything!

Love the coop though-- it's beautiful!
Wow! I just have to say you really put in a lot of effort here. Loved going through these pages and watching the process. You guys just seem so happy. Very inspiring! I do wonder how long those white walls will keep though! *giggle*

I love the dust bath drawer idea.... so cute. I'm pretty new to this and I've never seen that before! Now I want one. Haha. I might borrow the idea--- I may put the perches beside the sandbox though.... as to prevent so much poop. Is your perch movable? Maybe you've already mentioned. :D Haha there are so many pages here it's hard to cover everything!

Love the coop though-- it's beautiful!

Thanks! It's been a labor of love. I try to take extra good care of my wife. She wanted chickens so she gets a deluxe coop.
They are not supposed to be dust bathing in that tray. It's literally there to catch the poop when they are on the roosts. It's filled with PDZ which is a stall freshener that is made to dry the poop.

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