Chick adjusting problem

Dec 14, 2021
We have six chickens, probably nearly two months by now. We orginally had two chicks who were growing slower and separated them. A few days ago, one of the bigger yellow chicks were put with the two littler ones while she recovered from an injury given by a meaner chicken we called Pecky, although she passed. Anyways, one of the little girls started acting lethargic and died. Since the bigger yellow one was healed and the little brown grew a little more, we put the two in with the bigger chicks. The big yellow one adjusted more quickly since she's the same size and was able to fight for herself; but the little one isn't really adjusting and getting picked on. She isn't extremely smaller, but it's a big enough difference and it doesn't help that she's been separated with the other little one that died for weeks. Anytime she gets pecked at, she runs back to the bigger yellow one and it just breaks my heart. Tomorrow, we are receiving three or four more chicks that are one to two months in age to replace the ones that we lost. Any advice on how to help them all adjust and stop with the bullying?
Sadly, that's just how the pecking order works, plus these babies at this age are especially dramatic when being picked on from the older ladies.
But you never want to interfere unless there are of course serious consequences if had drawn blood.
But besides that, you don't want to interfere with the baby chicks since you want them to engage with the rest of the flock, but if they dont have that exsperience then they will likely want to dominate over your flock resulting into aggression. So, id just advise that you let them find their place on their own joining your flock.
Will you integrate the new ones gradually, using a "see no touch" method for a week or two? That will make it much smoother and a lot less bullying and pecking going on.

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