Chick can't move legs help!

Pictures of your sling would also be good. We have occasional seen chicks born who could not bend their joints and another recently who could not extend it’s legs, so there can be all kinds of problems with legs.
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Here are pictures. He is a freedom ranger from Freedom Ranger Hatchery. The sling might not be the greatest. I made it kinda fast. I think I'm going to make another one though because he seems to like it. And yes, I am using a piece of an old sweater for a blanket.
Do you all think i should keep him by himself or put him with the others?
He cant really get to the food and water so we have to put him there and wait until he's done. In his sling he has constant access to it. But he's alone. If I put him with the others in his swing he wont be able to get closer or farther from the light. So far he has not complained about being alone.
Can you start some vitamin B complex or give it chick vitamins that contain riboflavin or B2? Poultry Cell, not Nutridrench does have that. The sling looks fine. You may have to place it with the others and play it by ear. Or keep it separated and give it some supervised visits. It’s up to you. It is good that you are giving it a chance to get better, but many chicks who cannot get around normally may have to be put down eventually. Hopefully the vitamins and resting the legs will help. Remove the chick peritodically so that it can stretch and move around.
Where can I get vitamin b complex or chick vitamins?

I think I'm going to bring it back for visits but keep it separate the rest of the time. I don't want it to get trampled by other chicks. It is just as big as them though.

I take it out of the sling pretty often. I don't leave it in there for more than 45 minutes, usually less. Right now it's asleep on my lap.
I am also working on a wheelchair for it. Does anyone have any tips for that?

Thank you for helping everyone! =)
Walmart and any drug store or supermarket sells human B complex in the vitamins aisle (don’t get B12, as it is not the same.) Chick vitamins are sold in feed stores. Check labels for riboflavin.


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Bad news:

Two more chicks have this problem. One doesn't have it as bad and can take one or two steps. The first one has not really improved, and the other one is kinda a mix of those two.

I am not sure if this is contagious or something but I really do not want to see 40 chicks in slings.

I still have not gotten chick vitamins or B complex. I will look for it tomorrow or the next day.
Gosh, I think I would go to the store right away and get some b complex or some chick vitamins. Nutritional yeast has riboflavin as well. You may not realize how important it is to get vitamins started. Are they eating and drinking okay?

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