Chick can't walk or stand up on its own


May 3, 2024
I posted in the chick thread but I don't think its spraddle or splayed leg. I really want to save this chick and I have no idea what to do. Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong? Videos may give better indication but attached pictures.

The chick came in the mail like this.

It can't stand up and walk. It kind of hobbles on its side and scoots around (see video).

Its about 5 days old.

He chirps in distress a lot.

It can't get to the food/water because its too high for his head. We have been giving him an egg yolk/electrolyte mixture through a feeding syringe, he won't eat the food pellets. We will prop it up in front of the water bowl and he will drink.

We wrapped his feet together to try to fix it and we don't think its a leg issue because it cant even lift itself up to walk.

Any idea what could be wrong? I REALLY want to save this little guy and put the time and effort in, but it's hard when it can't do much itself.



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The joints look severely swollen. Perhaps slipped tendon which can be very hard to fix.
Is the chick growing at all?
No, it hasn't grown. At least equal to the other chicks.

We extended its legs and nothing seemed wrong. How could we diagnose a slipped tendon? Would we physically see it? I've been trying to feel around the knee and joint and can't feel a click or anything between my fingers.

We are willing to do whatever we can for it, but we just have no idea whats wrong.
No, it hasn't grown. At least equal to the other chicks.

We extended its legs and nothing seemed wrong. How could we diagnose a slipped tendon? Would we physically see it? I've been trying to feel around the knee and joint and can't feel a click or anything between my fingers.

We are willing to do whatever we can for it, but we just have no idea whats wrong.
Can the legs straighten out at all?

Sadly, I don't know if the legs are correctable. After 5 days, with swollen joints and the chick in such distress, it may be best to put the chick down.

I'm sorry.
The problem to me appears to originate in the top joint, the hip, and the second joint, the equivalent of the knee, especially in the right leg. There appears to be a paralysis of some sort or an inflexibility of those joints. It appears they did not develop properly. I agree with @Wyorp Rock, this is not fixable. I'm sorry too.

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