chick days-TSC question

I'll try to just look
I have wellie eggs in the bator that are doing great- so I don't really need any....but we all know how that goes!
I bought a few batches last year. They did have a straight run 'reds' bin.....a pullet bin.....and a bantam bin (straight run). I bought 12 from the pullet bin....6 per week for two weeks. The first batch were 5 pullets and 1 rooster. 2nd batch were all pullets. I plan on splurging on some this year.....we'll see what they have. I went in the other day and they still only have the rabbits....they didn't have chicks till mid to late march at mine last year. I just want to pick out some feather legged bantams and of course, they interesting colored lf.
My TSC did not get chicks until April. They had 3 bins for Chicks and 1 for ducks. The chick bins were marked - St run, pullets and bantam. Now out of the bantam bin ... I ended up with all boys! In the same respect .. I got all girls out of the pullet bin. But I got lucky with that since you never know how mixed up the chicks get with everyone picking them up. Granted the guy at my store did not let you touch them. But I'm sure he is not at work all the time! (I'm sure he gets a day off every now and again! I'm also sure he is not there from open to close.) So, you can't trust the markings on the bins 100%.
They're in in TN! I got a bunch of straight run (pullets not in yet) and 3 baby ducks. The ducks did not survive the hour drive home

The said I can exchange them tomorrow- but it's still sad.
Sorry about your ducks.

We dont have them until april, so I ordered this year instead. Now I just have to stay away from the store when they do arrive.
Like I could stay away!
Mine also had "straight run assorted reds" that I got 2 RIR roos and 1 RSL pullet

plus "assorted pullets" that I got 3 white Leghorn pullets out of

plus, they have a "straight run bantam" bin, but I never got any of them.

This time around I pulled 6 from the "assorted pullets" bin, and so far they are still looking girly, but it's too early to tell.

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