Chick death (4 days old)


Apr 20, 2020
sadly one of our Maran chicks passed away tonight :( We checked on them tonight after a day of being out and saw that one was acting emaciated. We gave her some sugar water and got her warm. Checked her bum and realized that she had pasty butt! (We had previously checked all of them ) We gently removed it with a warm towel and sat with her in a towel next to the fireplace. I could tell that she wasn’t going to make it. She died peacefully after some fight.

I checked the other chicks and all of their vents look clean. Their brooder is clean and is sitting at 85-90F.

What are y’all’s thoughts? Should we increase the temperature? They are on medicated chicken starter and drinking water mixed with hydro hen 3 in 1.

I know these things happen but I’m worried about my other chicks.

RIP Leslie


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Those temperatures are a little warm, that can cause pasty butt. Back it down to 80-85. Or make one half cooler.
It's possible hw could have eaten a small bit of shaving.
I was actually worried they were too cool . They have a side that is cooler . They are eating and drinking a good bit . It’s a brooder plate instead of a light . But from time to time I’ll go in there and they are all on top of eachother. I have a thermometer under plate to make sure that it isn’t failing. I actually feel so bad because I remember thinking how well that chick was doing . Then in the blink of an eye she’s gone. Ughhhh :(((
So sorry about Leslie! 😢

For four-day-old chicks, your temp is fine for them but do they have a way to get away from it? Good call on the Hydro-hen. I use that too.
Yes they have a cooler side . I’m actually using a brooder plate (or whatever it’s called ) I have a thermometer under it . Past couple days I’ll go in there and they are bunched up all over eachother and I’m like oh no they are too cold . Other times they will be eating drinking carrying on while running etc … I have been checking on them frequently :( weather has been so weird here this weekend . temp of house is fluctuating.
Yes they have a cooler side . I’m actually using a brooder plate (or whatever it’s called ) I have a thermometer under it . temp of house is fluctuating.
How cool is the cooler side? Temperature fluctuations aren't an issue as long as the plate is working correctly and staying warm to the touch.

Unfortunately some chicks just don't make it. Keep an eye on the butts on the other ones to ensure they stay clear.
How cool is the cooler side? Temperature fluctuations aren't an issue as long as the plate is working correctly and staying warm to the touch.

Unfortunately some chicks just don't make it. Keep an eye on the butts on the other ones to ensure they stay clear.
Will do !! and the cooler side is probably from 70-80 F . Increasing temperature as you get closer to the plate . I’ve never encountered pasty butt in the chicks my mom
Will do !! and the cooler side is probably from 70-80 F . Increasing temperature as you get closer to the plate . I’ve never encountered pasty butt in the chicks my mom

Moms ^ chicks . Shes always kept her brooder in a garage (versus me in our spare bedroom)
It could stand to be a little cooler on cool side but since it's inside the house don't inconvenience yourself over it either (unless you cranked up the heat for the chicks, then I'd set it back to normal).

If your mom's garage is cooler as most are, that might be why she saw fewer instances of pasty butt since heat may be a contributing factor. At 4 days old they already know to go under the plate to warm up, and the rest of the time they can handle "normal" temperatures.

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