chick having hard time pooping, please help!!!


In the Brooder
May 25, 2017
I have a 2 week old RIR. She is having a hard time pooping, she squawks and makes noise while going, you can see her struggling to push it out. The poo seems to stick out for a second before dropping off. She doesn't have pasty butt, but a bit of poo residue chalks up below her vent. About once a day she will have a "normal" poo that doesn't seem to cause her distress. She is smaller than my other chicks even though they hatched at the same time. I have tried to give her yogurt, but she wants nothing to do with it. Other than the difficulty pooping she seems to be fine, eats, drinks, is active. I am a newbie, and I am worried. Please if anyone knows what I can do for her or give her to help let me know. Thank you!!!
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Is she drinking enough?
What are you feeding?
Do you offer chick grit free choice?

Watch to make sure she is drinking well. Offer her some poultry vitamins and wet her feed (make it into a "mash"). If after being hydrated well and eating wet feed, you can add a very small amount of molasses to the water (one time) to see if that helps. Molasses has a laxative effect.

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