Chick names??

Princess Lay-a

9 Years
May 17, 2010
Great Falls
I was planning on having only 14 or so chicks at first, now it's 52!

We are getting 2 Polish since we wanted a breeding pair of ornamentals. I'm naming those Othello (Straight black Polish) and Desdemona (Buff and Cream Lace Polish).
My 6 year old, Raffi is bound and determined to have one chicken named "Clucky"!

Out of 50 I'm sure we'll find the bird that fits the name.
When you have so many, do you name or not?
I have 20 birds (18 chickens and 2 ducks) and they're all named. There are four more in the brooder which I just bought this past Sunday. Until they show me what their personalities are like, I won't name them. (The only chicken I named right away was the RIR - she HAD to be called Rhoda.)

The last two sets of chicks I've gotten have had straight run bantams, Silver and Gold Sebrights, so the two eldest are Alice and Georgia, which can be changed to Alex and/or George if they turn out to be cockerels. I've got two more Sebrights, so the names kinda have to be changeable like that. And I do wait a bit to make it more likely the name I've chosen fits their sex; sexing chicks is only 90% accurate. Hence my accidental roo, Carl (who started out as Carly).
We ( the kids and myself ) named all of ours we have 4 barred rocks out of them 1 is a rooster who we named Mr Grey from Dream catcher movie cause when you look at him he looks at you with an evil look like he is planning something . Mr Grey in the movie was an alien thing that was trying to take over the world this is what my rooster looks like to us lol. Like he is planing on doing something.........and we imagine him with a British accent lmbo.

The other 3 girls are Rickie, Max, and Floe like from finding Nemo cause well she don't look like she has all her chicken brain cells. Kind of like Floe in Finding nemo. She stands around looking like DUH and when she first saw her reflection in the glass she acted as if she was having a conversation with her self. It was funny.
Rickie and Max were named by my 2 youngest children Rickie was named after ricky ricardo from I love lucy max was named after Maxine the cartoon comic.

Then I have 3 bantams named Chandler Phoebe and Chaos
Chandler and Phoebe are sort of obvious if you watch tv show friends.
Chaos is named this because he goes around pecking everyone and every bird in the head he just acts really crazy.

Then we have 2 ducks named Jelly Bean and Rupert.....
Mostly we like to see their behavior before naming them or just name them after people we like.
My favorite WCBP was named Pulletta. She's walk around talking to me all day of I let her. If I ever get one that reminds me of her I'm using that name again.
We've got about 70 bantams and they are all named - I can only remember the ones that have had some real need for us to intervene through illness or whatever or if they are particularly pretty or distinctive.

My daughter names them all and seems to be able to remember who is who from the tinest detail... There has to come a point where even she can't remember their names. I'm already at the point where I often forget my daughters name !!!!!
We have five chicks that all hatched on different days so right now I'm calling them Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. I'm thinking for boys... Popeye, Zax, Harland Sanders, Kenny Rogers, or Truett

My kids and husband named our hens and rooster. They are: Bob, Muffin, Anna, Annabelle, Savannah Serena Ballerina (yes, that's all one name!), and Latifah (that one was dh's doing...).
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