Chick not thriving, tried to offer yolk slurry

If she is drinking, it wouldn’t hurt to put some electrolytes/sugar water in their main water source. I would offer that for about 24 hours and see if it makes any difference for the chick. Since she isn’t eating very much, this might be the easiest way to perk her up.

Also you can scramble an egg and offer it to them. It is soft and full of nutrients. Or mix a raw egg yolk with their food - or just offer a little bit to them in a tiny dish (like a glass jar lid) Also I find that sometimes weaker chicks aren’t able to eat normal chick crumbles as easy so I will smash it up so it is more powdery and offer that. Just a few suggestions on what I might try, but if it does end up being a failure to thrive situation, you know that you did all you could :hugs
Thanks. I’ll be gone all day today so I will add a little sugar to the water in case she decides to drink it. She is alive, but she is lying down and doesn’t seem like she wants to get up. 💔 I’ve had the plate of soupy food next to her during the night in case she decided she was hungry but it doesn’t seem like she tried to eat it.
Okay. Before I left for work, I took everyones’ advice. Against all odds she was alive this morning. I thought she was fading quickly, but then I looked again and she was on her feet with the others. She is significantly smaller. I have a pint size waterer, so I added 1/2 tsp of sugar in the water (my husband did see her drinking properly on her own last night) along with electrolytes, vitamins, and probiotics. Hopefully it will give her a boost to keep her going. We will see. I am surprised she has made it this long. I am rooting for her while trying to brace myself to lose her. If she is alive when I get home, I will offer her a crumbled up hard boiled egg yolk and see if she wants to peck at that this evening.
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Well. My husband texted me to let me know that she had passed sometime this afternoon. Thank you all for your advice and help. I think it was just a failure to thrive situation, as we could not pinpoint what exactly was ailing her. I was just really rooting for her because she seemed to just keep trying. Hard to watch them struggle like that, but at least she was warm, and we tried our best to keep her as comfortable as we could. She is my first loss as a chick, and even though she didn't make it, I learned a lot about how to spot issues hopefully earlier on, so I can intervene and try to help the next one.

Thanks again everyone. RIP sweet little Moxie girl. 💔
Well. My husband texted me to let me know that she had passed sometime this afternoon. Thank you all for your advice and help. I think it was just a failure to thrive situation, as we could not pinpoint what exactly was ailing her. I was just really rooting for her because she seemed to just keep trying. Hard to watch them struggle like that, but at least she was warm, and we tried our best to keep her as comfortable as we could. She is my first loss as a chick, and even though she didn't make it, I learned a lot about how to spot issues hopefully earlier on, so I can intervene and try to help the next one.

Thanks again everyone. RIP sweet little Moxie girl. 💔
:( I'm sorry, it really stinks to lose little ones like that, they grab your heart.

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