Chick sexing project

how about this one? 4.5 monthes pullet


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I have another four chicken but they couldn't let me take pix for them together. A neighboor gave me free. 5 years old. they said all hens and laying green or blue eggs.Please excuse the blurriness of the photo. Thank you all for your help.
I see a welsummer and an Easter egger. For the other two you’re going to have to take closer pictures.
What breed does this 8wk old look like?
Easter egger
I went to faraway to buy it. was told it's Russian orloff rooster but it's never crowing. So I'm not sure it's a rooster or capon. But it tried to ride a hen. is it two years old?
it was told as a under 1 year old and old english pullet but I heard it crowed once as a rooster.
Pullet, some hens (especially bantams) do crow
Look under my responses to silkies and buff orphs. I have pigeons and like silkies, long time breeders seem to have difficulty sexing. But, irregardless of wild or tame, duck or fowl..I have notices 2 things different between young birds. First, a male chick reacts usually be stretching it's neck up, while females tend to "duck down" like she would later in life to protect eggs/brood. Second, I noticed females tend to have inner tear ducts slightly exposed and a fold under the eye while males seem to have round eyes and a little bigger iris. I believe the eye fold and bigger ducts protect here eyes later in life as she reaches under in twigs/hay etc to move eggs or tend her brood. You can look at your known adult sexed birds to see this and get ideas how to spot even in day old chicks. Later, pullets get hackle and rump feathers sooner, even my muscovies..The first is a pic of pigeon eyes. I use the pigeons to also hatch quail. The second is a alsteirer hen and you definitely see the eye fold under eye (I have some of these and a barbezieux roo from Greenfire ,to create some really big nice sexlinks. Third is obvious a hen and roo from distance and clearly you can see eye shape diffetences. If you need any specific pics, I have even pelican pics, let me know. It has been very defining as to whom I keep, and I keep a breeder male only if he has a very round eye (more testosterone ) and strong neck stretch look up as he is supposed to be a alert flock guardian . I have a black silkie roo and round eyes are clear.
Was this eye shape thing ever proven true or false?

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