Chick swollen knee


Jun 10, 2024
Broody hen hatched chicks. 2 days old. This one has a swollen knee and hobbles around. It can move the leg, but looks like some kind of trauma or injury. I don’t know much about chicken anatomy, but is that bone sticking out or something lodged and inflamed that I need to remove? Any help would be appreciated.
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I'm sorry about your chick.

Can you get someone to help hold her and you gently pull the leg a little straighter.
It's so hard to tell if that's matted fluff, some debris stuck to the leg or?

It does look like injury and perhaps the leg is cut, can you look closely to see if there's a feather or string or hair wrapped around the joint?

Gently clean the area with Chlorhexidine or Povidone Iodine if you have those, if not Saline or a little soapy water will work. Then apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment to the injury.

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