Granny's gone and done it again

This baby reminds me of my Gracie. Only she's brown. I could just snatch her up from the photo and snuggle her up. Love her cute little face. 🥰
I'll see if I can find a close up of Gracie and see if you can tell what I mean.View attachment 4037001
Looks a lot like a dog my older son had as a child. Her name was Chicklet.
I'm not sure what horrible is. The two years of being sick and not knowing what was wrong with me was pretty horrible. I was in the hospital a few times and had 7 or 8 blood transfusions, I can't remember exactly.

Then they sent me to OHSU. They are a research hospital and the most amazing place I've ever visited. Suddenly there were teams of doctors trying to figure out what was going on. But, after more than a week, and all the same tests, and no answers, I told my husband on the phone I was finished. (He couldn't visit me at the time because of Covid.) I told him, next time I had no blood to support my body, I just wanted to peacefully pass in my bed. No more hospitals. He understood.

Then something happened. In my mind I started hearing the words to a song I didn't know very well. The words I recalled at that moment were, "Smile, like you just got away with something, because you just got away with something." As a Christian, I knew instantly that was the Lord saying He was extending grace to me, even though I was ready to throw my life away. I looked up the song and there was this wonderful rendition of it with all these dancing people over the years, starting with Ginger Rogers, and I laughed and laughed. A nurse came in and I shared it with her. I said, I was just healed.

Next morning, the lead doctor came in to say they found the tumor and were discussing whether to shrink it first or just remove it. I said if I have a vote, just remove it. They did the next day. I knew then that I was totally healed, but the oncologist put me on a chemotherapy anyway that I would have to be on for the rest of my life. After 4 1/2 years, this Christmas season when I was making my cookies, I went off it for a few days to get through it. Then I called him and said I wanted off it altogether. Suddenly I was me again. Not tired, not in pain, not nauseous. I just wanted my life back. He agreed, with the order to have scans every three months. Well, that is a fair trade.

So that is my very long story, that I rarely share because it can't be shared in a few words.

This is the video that turned my life around that night...

Reading through yours and Granny's life experiences. I knew most of yours Granny.
Not yours Valerie.
I won't get into the whole story of this one, but I also had a song letting me know everything was going to be ok.
Austin was very young while we were on a camping trip. He got really sick. Burning up with fever. I've had enough children to know when a fever is at 104 or 105. He was there. He was mumbling. We were too far from anywhere! I took his top off and had my husband go get another son that had just returned from his mission and was camping with us. Staying in a tent. He gave Austin a blessing. I kept running a cool damp cloth over him. He finally felt less warm. My husband and I laid down beside him. He was mumbling things I can't repeat. I was so scared! I was praying so hard. This song tune kept going through my mind. I ignored it. I prayed. It kept coming back to my mind. Finally I ask myself..what is this song?? Then the words came to me. Part of a song that we sing at church. The words came to me along with the tune...All is well..All is well. I instantly felt relief. The relief flooded over me. I knew without a doubt he would be ok. By morning he was fine. Had a sore throat, but no fever. He was making sense again.
I love the miracles that we're allowed to see at times through our lives. Big, and small things that happen for good, are always..big..miracles. :)
I'm happy for you Valerie.
Granny, I pray for you often. You know this. I'm glad you'll be getting some help for Tom. This is your chance to be in better health for him and Robert. Please take advantage of this time you'll have. Dont be scared. ..and of course, you'll feel tons better. 💗
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Reading through yours and Granny's life experiences. I knew most of yours Granny.
Not yours Valerie.
I won't get into the whole story of this one, but I also had a song letting me know everything was going to be ok.
Austin was very young while we were on a camping trip. He got really sick. Burning up with fever. I've had enough children to know when a fever is at 104 or 105. He was there. He was mumbling. We were too far from anywhere! I took his top off and had my husband go get another son that had just returned from his mission and was camping with us. Staying in a tent. He gave Austin a blessing. I kept running a cool damp cloth over him. He finally felt less warm. My husband and I laid down beside him. He was mumbling things I can't repeat. I was so scared! I was praying so hard. This song tune kept going through my mind. I ignored it. I prayed. It kept coming back to my mind. Finally I ask myself..what is this song?? Then the words came to me. Part of a song that we sing at church. The words came to me along with the tune...All is well..All is well. I instantly felt relief. The relief flooded over me. I knew without a doubt he would be ok. By morning he was fine. Had a sore throat, but no fever. He was making sense again.
I love the miracles that we're allowed to see at times through our lives. Big, and small things that happen for good, are always..big..miracles. :)
I'm happy for you Valerie.
Granny, I pray for you often. You know this. I'm glad you'll be getting some help for Tom. This is your chance to be in better health for him and Robert. Please take advantageof this time you'll have. Dont be scared. ..and of course, you'll feel tons better. 💗
What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing that!! :love

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