Chick with Injured Leg


Mar 30, 2017
Hello everyone, I have a young chick that injured her leg yesterday and I don't know what to do for her. I've separated her from the flock, so the others don't peck at her or lay on top of her. She can't walk and has to practically throw herself to move anywhere. Her leg is swollen and purple, so I'm guessing a break? If so, I have no idea how I would splint it for her because she is so tiny! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to BYC. Here are some ideas about a chick chair which you can make yourself and get her up off the ground. She will need to have her own food and water within reach. Some chicks tolerate these well, others don't. I would remove her several times a day to move her legs around and look her over. You can fix it for her feet to touch the floor or above the floor. Without an xray, it's hard to know if it is broken or sprained. It can take a few weeks for either to heal. I would keep her close to the other chicks as possible, perhaps with a small screen or similar to divide her, but she will need company. When you take her out, you could let her be with them unless they trample her. Chick vitamins would be good to add. Here are 2 good link son splinting if you feel that may help below. Paper tape and strips of vet wrap can be useful for splinting, and vet wrap can be removed and replaced, but don't make those too tight.

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That little squirt! Is she still not able to use her leg? Maybe try a little splint and see how she does with that. I would try her in with the others some while you are watching them. Separating her could make it hard to add her back to the group if she is out too long. Keep up the good work.

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