Chick won’t open nictitating membrane

Chick-chicks mama

In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2024
My chick hatched yesterday. She can not open her nictitating membrane on her eyes. I brought her inside and washed them off this morning. I thought maybe it was just gunk from the egg dried on and gluing the eye closed, but it isn’t.
She doesn’t seem to be able to see. She wanders away from her mama and cheeps. She then cannot figure out how to get back to her mama.
Augment her nutrition for a few days. Maybe that will help her finish development? You might need to hand feed her with a hand eye dropper. You can feed a mash of egg yolk and like a solution with nutrients. I can't guarantee this will work. Also their life cycle is really fast. Feeding it once a day only won't work. You might need to do this every few hours until the eyes open... which I hope they will.

PS; dehydration will be an issue since... it might not be able to find the water feeder by itself.
Thank you for your response. I just went to take a picture of her and she was separated again. I’m afraid she’s not going to stay warm enough with her mom. May need to bring her in until she opens her eyes. One is completely closed now. The other, no change. I gave her some water with honey from a syringe. She seemed to drink it ok. I’ll try the egg yolk mash.


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