Chick won’t pip


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2024
Hey all. I have a batch of French black copper marans in the incubator. Out of 12, I pulled 4 at 2 weeks. Today and yesterday 7 have hatched and the last one is working very hard on it. The last is having trouble I fear though. I can hear it chirping through the egg and feel it jerking around. I added a safety hole about an hour ago because it had internally pipped at some point before yesterday morning when I candled it. The chick is now sticking it’s beak through the safety hole but can’t seem to break the shell. At what point should I assist further? I’m always weary about helping because everything I have read says it should be a last resort.
I would wait 24 hours after making the safety hole to assist.
Some chicks take longer
since this one couldnt pip on its own it could be working up strength and finishing absorbing the egg yolk.

If in 24 hours it hasnt progressed you can slowly start peeling back the shell and egg but if you see any veins that are not dried stop and out it back in the incubator for awhile.
Tagging on to this - I have 15 eggs in the incubator on day 23. I was about to take them out and discard them and checked them one more time just to be sure, and at least 3 are peeping inside the shell as of this morning. No external pips yet. Should I leave them until tomorrow as they just started peeping? My temperature has been constant 100 and humidity has fluctuated in the 50's & 60's throughout. We did have two power outages, the longer one was maybe 4 hours, but I kept them covered and as warm as I could throughout both.
I would wait 24 hours after making the safety hole to assist.
Some chicks take longer
since this one couldnt pip on its own it could be working up strength and finishing absorbing the egg yolk.

If in 24 hours it hasnt progressed you can slowly start peeling back the shell and egg but if you see any veins that are not dried stop and out it back in the incubator for awhile.
I have a question I have two eggs so one might be dead bc I don't see veins but it had veins just late last night! There's no blood ring but I can't get a close enough look to see if the embryo is taking up most the egg and hiding the vessels because I am using a very small flashlight and need to use my phone the other one however still has blood vessels yet I see no movement when I look at it I might just not candle long enough still I have no clue what's going on with them because they were supposed to hatch like 4 days ago or 5 and one I know with the vessels must still be fertile the other one maybe it died in just a few hours or about to hatch but I have no clue
I have a question I have two eggs so one might be dead bc I don't see veins but it had veins just late last night! There's no blood ring but I can't get a close enough look to see if the embryo is taking up most the egg and hiding the vessels because I am using a very small flashlight and need to use my phone the other one however still has blood vessels yet I see no movement when I look at it I might just not candle long enough still I have no clue what's going on with them because they were supposed to hatch like 4 days ago or 5 and one I know with the vessels must still be fertile the other one maybe it died in just a few hours or about to hatch but I have no clue
Is there just veins in the egg?
Or is there part of the egg that looks black where the chick is suppose to be?

If its just veins sadly the eggs didnt continue developing after a few days in the incubator or under the broody.

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