Chick wounded, possible early hatch with unabsorbed yolk


Aug 15, 2022
Clermont co., Ohio
Any help appreciated!

1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.)
Standard Chicken, small-size hatchling

2) What is the behavior, exactly.

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
I found an in-progress hatch yesterday afternoon, in the evening when checking on it, it was still almost entirely in the shell, but the shell was in pieces and the chicks feet were alongside its head. While I was there, the chick slashed its ear/neck with a claw. The wound did not bleed.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma.
No bleeding, but I believe one of the other birds went after the eggshell and ripped the hatchling from its shell overnight, as the yolk sack is ruptured.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation.
Hen may have broken shell prematurely. I saw the chick cut itself, one of my hens may have tossed the chick in eating its shell.

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all.
Too young. Offered water today but had to dry mouth due to bubbling.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc.
Has had a normal poop.

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?
Applied Blu-kote via cotton swab to wound, attempted to remove eggshell pieces and clean hatchling when I discovered broken yolk.

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
I had hoped to nurse the chick through the wound, but is the broken yolk sack a death sentence?

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use.
Straw/timothy hay, coir.
11) Photos.
Showing gash before treatment and other side, when I discovered yolk broken after Blu-kote.
Have also discovered fly eggs on bottom beak/throat, dried to wipe them off with cotton swab.


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