Chicken acts weird


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
My hens all got o sleep at around 8 (when the sun comes down where I’m at) but this one hen is always in the coop and sleeping at around 7. Does this mean anything bad or does she just enjoy her sleep? Aside from this, she eats and drinks perfectly fine. Always walking around and running even, although she doesn’t talk at all, I only heard her speak once and she’s around a year old my now.
Does this mean anything bad or does she just enjoy her sleep?
I've had birds that are lower in the pecking order go to roost earlier or later than the rest of the flock.. varying by individual.. but always the same for whichever bird it was that had that behavior.

If this is her normal behavior and not a sudden change, then I'd not worry too much about it.

If it's a sudden change, then further investigation would be worthwhile.

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