Chicken Ate My Earring

So I was sitting with my hen, Izzy, in the hammock today and she noticed I had a stud earring in and she grabbed it, pulled it out of my ear, and ate it. Is she going to be okay?
She'll probably be just fine. Chooks are hardy! They usually just just pass it through their poop. My chickens get into all sorts of stuff I'd rather they not. 😆
Although if you notice any off behavior or if she's showing any discomfort, please share.
I would feed her some scrambled egg or something like that to help the earring go on down to her gizzard with some padding. She should be okay, but you may not ever see it again. Many times when chickens are butchered, they can metal or glass in the gizzards. Do you give them poultry grit for their gizzards to grind up food?
I would feed her some scrambled egg or something like that to help the earring go on down to her gizzard with some padding. She should be okay, but you may not ever see it again. Many times when chickens are butchered, they can metal or glass in the gizzards. Do you give them poultry grit for their gizzards to grind up food?
I would feed her some scrambled egg or something like that to help the earring go on down to her gizzard with some padding. She should be okay, but you may not ever see it again. Many times when chickens are butchered, they can metal or glass in the gizzards. Do you give them poultry grit for their gizzards to grind up food?
Thanks. Yes I do. They actually had just finished eating some ouster shells, grit, and scratch grains.

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