Chicken attacked by hawk....what can I do for her?

Went to the vet this morning. He suspects some internal injuries and gave her a shot of antibiotics.

I also got her some baby bird starter to make a soft meal for her...going to try to get her to eat as much as I can so she can get some strength back!

I'm keeping up my hopes for her. Going to get her out in the grass this afternoon to get some sun.
I am glad you were able to find some help for your bird good luck to you
Thanks everyone!

She is doing SO good! Getting her out in the sunshine around the other girls was like a magic drug. She's eating the baby bird starter on her own and is even started eating harder foods again. Yaayy!!

I've set a trap to catch whatever might have been around (I agree it was most likely a raccoon) but so far nothing has been caught.
Guess what I found in my live-trap today.......a POSSUM! It was a little one though, not full grown so I don't know if it was the culprit. But it will no longer be a bother around here.

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