Chicken beak is crooked


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2024
My chicken is around 5 or 6 months old. She is a very sweet one and I really love her, while I was checking up on her today I noticed that her beak was a bit off. It’s crooked, is there a fix if it’s harmful to her? If not, do I have to do stuff in order for it to not get worse? It’s just slightly crooked, and it’s not that bad. Here are some pictures;


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Just monitor her. Sometimes the condition deteriorates to extreme cross beak limiting ability to eat. If that happens, trimming the beak and providing moistened feed in a deep dish may become necessary.
Just monitor her. Sometimes the condition deteriorates to extreme cross beak limiting ability to eat. If that happens, trimming the beak and providing moistened feed in a deep dish may become necessary.
Like at what point would you deem this necessary?
If the crossing becomes significant enough to interfere with eating. Presently it is absolutely minimal and no realistic problem to the bird.
My chicken is around 5 or 6 months old. She is a very sweet one and I really love her, while I was checking up on her today I noticed that her beak was a bit off. It’s crooked, is there a fix if it’s harmful to her? If not, do I have to do stuff in order for it to not get worse? It’s just slightly crooked, and it’s not that bad. Here are some pictures;
Very pretty bird 😁
If I were you, I would research a condition known as cross beak, also called scissor beak. Right now it looks alright, but it may get worse as the animal grows.
Oh. That’s also where my deformed chicken came from. I’ve got a Plymouth Barred Rock with half size wings. Her wings always look kind of bent and bunched up close to her body, and she can’t fly like the others. Maybe they just don’t source from a very good breeder/ hatchery?
Hoovers hatchery is where they get them from, I did some research and almost all that they sell are breed so much that their chicks are like poodle mixes, some come out great while others end up with a lot of problems. Mutts of the chicken world is what they sell. I am definitely not buying chicks from them again.
Hoovers hatchery is where they get them from, I did some research and almost all that they sell are breed so much that their chicks are like poodle mixes, some come out great while others end up with a lot of problems. Mutts of the chicken world is what they sell. I am definitely not buying chicks from them again.
Yeah. I got 6 chickens that day……………. Aside from one who got eaten by a wild animal, 4 of them were dead in two days. Through all my research, it seems to have been a combination of shipping stress and poor breeding. That’s 2/3 dead to natural causes. Lightning(the aforementioned disabled Plymouth) is the only survivor. That all happened months ago, but I’m still angry that they sold me sick hatchlings, then didn’t give me a refund. Thankfully, I own an incubator now, so I will only be buying from them if they get a special breed I really want. After I get Wyandottes, Sebrights, and Silkies, I will no longer have a reason to buy birds there.

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