Chicken breed identification help

The Duck Ladie

Duck Addict
9 Years
Feb 23, 2016
Hello! I'd love some help identifying my birds. I have three different breeds here: the rooster, the black hen, and the blue hens. These were given to me, so I don't know where they came from. I'm guessing the girls are blue Cochin, the black one is similar in size and the rooster is smaller. The blue ones have a small amount of feathers on their feet, the rooster has feathered feet also.Thanks y'all!
Black and white one looks like a Plymouth Barred Rock. What color eggs do the blue ones lay? They look more like Blue Marans to me.

No clue about rooster breed but he looks small. Like a bantam.
Are you sure they are breeds and not mixed breeds?
The Barred one doesn't look like a Barred Rock to me and it doesn't look like it has yellow shanks like a barred Rock would.
I don't know about the blue ones. They look more like Marans then Cochins but I don't know.
The male looks like a Buff Brahma. Since he's smaller probably a bantam.
Are you sure they are breeds and not mixed breeds?
The Barred one doesn't look like a Barred Rock to me and it doesn't look like it has yellow shanks like a barred Rock would.
I don't know about the blue ones. They look more like Marans then Cochins but I don't know.
The male looks like a Buff Brahma. Since he's smaller probably a bantam.
Afraid I don't know. I was told the girls were from a feed store, and the rooster is a complete unknown. I did think the roo has at least some bantam in him. He's a small little guy.
Well, whatever the girls are they lay good eggs, so I'm happy 😅. I was mostly curious about the rooster. He mystified me.

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