When we got home from work we found our dominique hen Vivian laying on her side beside her feeder, unable to get up with both feet out. We brought her inside and my husband felt all over her legs and feet, and we can't see anything wrong except that she leans over towards one side. She can stand and lay down but is unable to keep her balance when she tries to walk. She can move her feet and will grip your hand with her toes, so my husband suspects that she may have dislocated her hip. Her appetite is good. Does anyone have any advice or experience with this? We have a cage set up inside with pine chips, but any tips for how to make her comfortable in there for a few weeks would also be appreciated. She's spent her whole life with her sister Esmerelda--if she is isolated inside, should we bring her in periodically to minimize the stress of being apart? Thank you in advance for any help!
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