Chicken Connections

Your chickens that don’t let you get near them will probably never let you pick them up, but you’ll go a long way by just sitting with them and not trying to touch them. If they realize you don’t constantly try to mess with them and will sit quietly and ignore them they will trust you more. I personally would just ignore those chickens, in time they will learn you don’t mess with them and they will probably stop running from you. Chickens also calm down with age, so with time (a couple of years) of you being considerate of their space they’ll probably improve.
My chickens will come running when they see me (they think I have treats.) That usually doesn't mean they want to be picked up, though.

I'm not sure if it is correlated or not, but it does seem like the sweetest ones are often the ones taken by predators. I'm not saying not to make them friendly, but if you are planning to free range them (which isn't highly recommended due to predators), it's something to think about.

That being said, I haven't had too many times when I need to catch them. I will lock them in the coop if I need to address any issues and catch them in the morning or at night when they go in there.

I hope you develop the perfect relationship balance with your chickens! Even the more flighty ones have been some of my favorite for some reason, so I hope it all works out great for you and your flock! Welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Hiya, and welcome to BYC! :frow

With timid chicks, scrambled eggs, or if it's been a while since they had their feed made into mash, that always is a hit, too. I just try give them either one by hand, some will, some won't, but do that every day and by about the 3rd or 4th day, they're all eating out of my hand.

They all come running when I come out of the house and off the deck because they know I'm heading to the treat bucket that sits outside. (It's a 4-gallon metal garbage can with lid). There's Kalmbach's Henhouse Reserve in that bucket which I use as their "scratch". They all stand around me while I'm tossing that around. They just get used to your routine when you've got a bowl in your hand, a bucket you're heading to, etc.

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