Chicken Coop/Rabbit hutch combo that works! Pics of my design...

When can you come here and build one for me?????

We need more room for rabbits and chickens.
I love this!
Do you have bigger pictures we can see?
I might have to do this if we move and I haven't downsized my rabbits...
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can the openings for the rabbits be closed in the winter? or is that not necessary. sorry im new to rabbits, but plan to raise californeans and newzealanders for meat.
That's awesome! I've been trying to come up with a good use for the vertical space in my coop, and I think this is a wonderful idea. My daughter has been bugging me about getting rabbits- I told her that if we got rabbits we would have to eat them, and that stopped her for now. But now I want them, too!

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